
First Presbyterian Preschool is open to all children regardless of nationality, race, or religion.  The Preschool is licensed for 60 children per day.  Registration for the upcoming school year begins in February and continues until the school is full.

  • Fee information and registration forms are available from the Director.  Registration for a child is complete when signed registration form and fee is returned to the Director.
  • A child must be 2, 2 1/2, 3, or 4 years of age by September 30th of the beginning school year in order to be in a specific class.  Two-year-olds do not need to be toilet trained to attend;  however, we do encourage three-year-olds to at least be attempting training.  Four-year-olds must be toilet trained.
  • A personal interview with at least one parent and the enrolling child is required for all students before admission.


Applications for Preschool and Summer Camp are sent out to current students in February. Applications for Summer Camp must be returned by March 1st. Applications for Preschool must be returned by May 1st.

Siblings of current students, and children of employees are members of First Presbyterian Church and Preschool will be given priority after current students have registered for the next year.

Open Registration

Applications are excepted at any time during the year.  Enrollment is on a “first come, first served” basis and continues throughout the year, if space is available.


We must have on file for each student:

  • Immunization Record
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Medical Release Form
  • Signed Parent Acknowledgement Form
  • Signed Admission Policy Form

Financial Requirements

  • A registration fee of $50.00 per child will be charged each year at enrollment and is not refundable.
  • The first tuition payment is due on orientation night or on first day of preschool.  Remaining tuition is due and payable on the first of each month, September through May.
  • Tuition payments are non-refundable and are due in full, regardless of days missed due to school holidays, family vacations, teacher workdays, inclement weather or illness.
  • Payments received after the 5th of the month must include a $15.00 late fee.  Any exceptions to this must be approved in advance by the Financial Secretary.  Returned checks will be charged a fee of $30.00.
  • Failure to pay by the beginning of the following month will result in dismissal of your child until all prior charges and current payment is made.  Arrangements for ANY necessary payment schedule change MUST be made with the Financial Secretary in advance.
  • Two weeks notice is requested if a child is to be withdrawn.  Parents will be charged the full month’s tuition for the current month in which enrollment is to be terminated.
  • A child’s enrollment will be terminated if the child is absent from school for one month without contacting the preschool office.
  • There is no substitution of days.
  • After one warning, late pick-ups (12:00 noon) will be charged a $10.00 lat

Tuition FPCP 24-25